Functionality in the Elderly of a Support Program in the City of Morelia: A Framework for Intervention

  • Emma Flores Mendoza Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • María Magdalena Lozano Zúñiga Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Ana Celia Anguiano Morán Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • María Jazmín Valencia Guzmán Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


Since in Mexico and the rest of the world there has been a considerable increase in the number of older people, it is even more necessary to take actions to guarantee their wellbeing from different social spheres. Health professionals are important elements in the development of these strategies and should be able to evaluate the functionality of this age group to implement plans to help improve their quality of life. The objective of this study was to identify the functionality of older adults participating in a support program in the city of Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. This study is based on a quantitative descriptive methodology, with a cross-sectional cut; the Katz index, the Pfeffer scale and the modified Tinetti scale were used. Among the main findings, it was found that two thirds of the sample are physically dependent on some activities of daily living, and of these, 19 % are completely dependent. In addition, the main activity for which they need help is bathing and the one with the least support is eating; 88.9 % present cognitive impairment and it was observed that all of them are at risk of suffering a fall, 87.5 % present a high risk. As part of the conditions of aging, the participants present limitations in the development of basic activities that serve to safeguard their health, therefore, the implementation of personalized self-care plans that help to improve their quality of life is required.
How to Cite
Flores Mendoza, E., Lozano Zúñiga, M. M., Anguiano Morán, A. C., & Valencia Guzmán, M. J. (2023). Functionality in the Elderly of a Support Program in the City of Morelia: A Framework for Intervention. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 9(18). Retrieved from
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