Hegemonic ideologies against gender-sex dissidence and their affectations

  • Sara Carolina Carrasco Grajales Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas


There have always existed hegemonic groups and socially established regulations that generate violence against others. In Mexico, sex-gender dissidences are heteroclite characteristics that are little accepted because cultural reality is governed by heteronormativity and gender binarism, placing members of the LGBT+ community as “abnormal”. Now, the objective to fulfill in this article is to analyze the hegemonic ideologies that exist in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, which are against sex-gender dissidence and what are the collateral effects of these. So this study was epistemically positioned on the socio-critical paradigm and the qualitative approach; likewise, within the methodological plane of the critical analysis of the discourse and the narrative biographical; the techniques used were focus groups, thematic autobiography and field notes. With this, two main categories were obtained: Hegemonic ideologies and collateral affectations; revealing power relations.
How to Cite
Carrasco Grajales, S. C. (2022). Hegemonic ideologies against gender-sex dissidence and their affectations. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 9(17). Retrieved from https://mail.cdhis.org.mx/index.php/CAGI/article/view/168
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