Model of moral judgment, to strengthen decision-making in students of a University

  • Felisa Yaerim López Botello Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Juan Alberto Alcántara Ramírez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Zulema Yavel Contreras Flores Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Josefa Bravo Moreno Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


This article constitutes a reflection exercise on the Moral Judgment Model, with the objective of proposing it in the teaching work of a Pedagogical University of the State of Mexico, encouraging students to make decisions, generating both an internal and external analysis of various situations. and conflicts, forging significant experiences and learning. Under a qualitative approach and a diagnosis of January-February 2024, through a questionnaire applied to teachers and students of the second semester of the University under study. It was identified that the majority of students do not have a clear vision regarding what decision-making entails, which is why they do not move on to the main thing, which is experience, since critical thinking is not generated that strengthens each one of the activities proposed by teachers, which causes decision-making to be influenced by third parties. Given the need to strengthen the student's decision-making through the Moral Judgment Model, because through their decisions they define the course of their life, pedagogical strategies are proposed that allow them to reflect on problematic tasks with moral dilemmas, in which students They must choose what to do in conflict situations with a high or low level of morality, in order to observe the process and the use of the cognitive and emotional components to carry out their choice, where the important thing in making the decision is to think about the consequences of these.
How to Cite
López Botello, F. Y., Alcántara Ramírez, J. A., Contreras Flores, Z. Y., & Bravo Moreno, J. (2024). Model of moral judgment, to strengthen decision-making in students of a University. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 11(21). Retrieved from
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