The quality of life of the elderly of the indigenous community of the municipality of Mezcala, Jalisco

  • Diana del Carmen Rojas Ibarra Instituto KINTU


This study analyzes the quality of life of older adults from the indigenous community of the Municipality of Mezcala, de la Asunción, Jalisco; through the Instrument of the World Health Organization (WHO) WHOQOL-BREF with the intention of formulating proposals that allow improving the levels of well-being of the population. It was based on a quantitative methodology with the application of a random sample for convenience to 50 older adults who attend a health consultation at the clinic of the municipality of Mezcala, de la Asunción, Jalisco. Through the dimensions: physical health, psychological health, social relations and environment. Finding among the main findings that the older adults participating in the study value it very important to have timely and quality health services, at a psychological level some of them expressed feeling depressed and in need of reinforcing family ties and social support of their communities also expressing the need for adequate public services and security. Therefore, it is necessary to continue strengthening health and psychological services where the community intervenes to help improve the quality of life and increase the levels of well-being of the population.
How to Cite
Rojas Ibarra, D. del C. (2023). The quality of life of the elderly of the indigenous community of the municipality of Mezcala, Jalisco. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 10(20). Retrieved from
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