Sustainable Human Development and environmental co-learning: key factors for organizational transformation

  • Gustavo Antonio Segura Lazcano Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Aimeé Estibaliz Ramírez Ortiz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


Since the 90s, Human Development has prefigured an organizational model more sensitive to people's living conditions, which transforms productive systems and has a favorable impact on cultural and environmental changes. The relationship between economic behavior and preservation of ecosystems acquires relevance today and with it environmental education co-involved with the vision of sustainability and transformation of organizations. Among the strategies of cultural transition, the perspective of socio-environmental co-learning stands out, aimed at renewing the gregarious values, behaviors and consumption patterns involved with the ecological footprint and the well-being of the world population. Sustainable human development, both at a personal, local, regional, national and global level aspires to improve living conditions in harmony with nature starting today. The global health crisis of COVID-19 encourages organizations to explore new forms of work and social interaction through telematics and virtual means. Co-learning, based on collaborative links, defines communities of practice (Brantmeier, 2008) that affirm a sense of belonging and commitment to their organizations. The environmental co-learning perspective promotes the construction of knowledge and common values ​​favorable to the Sustainable Human Development of organizations. The process involves the exchange and reinterpretation of information that enables the construction and understanding of network meanings, as well as the cognitive and emotional processes that make the subjects responsible for both their learning and that of the group members (Bilbao and Velasco, 2017). Strengthening planetary awareness around the socio-environmental problems that the current civilizational course entails is a priority issue for organizations. Providing the necessary tools and knowledge in corporations for decision-making and responsible actions with a planetary sense, constitutes a vital strategy to broaden the outlook and participation of the various social sectors in projects that converge in the common world and integrate different perspectives. The construction and strengthening of internal and external collaboration links imply environmental co-learning processes inscribed in the perspective of sustainable human development, sets up an approach aimed at renewing the visions and consumptive behaviors that today dominate urban life and that imply undertaking an authentic organizational transformation.
How to Cite
Segura Lazcano, G. A., & Ramírez Ortiz, A. E. (2021). Sustainable Human Development and environmental co-learning: key factors for organizational transformation. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 8(15). Retrieved from
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