Organizational learning and the administration of the computing function in the company

  • Maricela Sevilla Caro Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Jorge Inés Morales Garfias Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


Organizational learning (AO) is the knowledge acquired for professional development. To generate a culture that facilitates OA, the organization must have the ability to create, organize and process information to generate new individual, team, organizational and inter-organizational knowledge, in addition to providing the conditions to develop new capabilities, design new products and services, increase the existing offer and improve processes oriented to growth and constant innovation. In the Administration of the Informatics function (AFI), it is of utmost importance to take into account the AO as a way to ensure continuous learning, optimize the administration of the resources of the IT department, to innovative controls, and standards that support to said department, and consequently to the entire organization. This study focused on analyzing organizational learning as part of the informatics function. The sources of information collection were documentary research, subsequently the opinions of professionals in the computer science area were taken into account, which in this case were the teachers of the FCA who have the appropriate profile to express these points of view (convenience sample ). Although it is a concept that has been studied from the administrative area in recent times, when applying the survey 35.7% answered that they did not identify the term “Organizational learningâ€. As for the Administration of the IT function, in the same way, it is not a new term, however it is observed, according to the opinions that organizations do not give importance to the AFI, nor to the elaboration of a strategic plan of the same. In the area of ​​Informatics, and specifically in the Administration of the Informatics function, it is extremely important to take into account Organizational Learning as a way to ensure continuous learning. Organizations must include in their work philosophy the culture of Organizational Learning (AO), the Information Technology and the Strategic Management of the Information Technology Function in order to successfully meet the objectives of the Information Technology area and of the company itself.
How to Cite
Sevilla Caro, M., & Morales Garfias, J. I. (2020). Organizational learning and the administration of the computing function in the company. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 7(14), 52 - 65. Retrieved from
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