Spirituality and ecology for social innovation projects

  • José Carlos Ugalde Chehín Universidad del Valle de Atemajac


Because social innovation faces the current social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges, this document emphasizes the importance of relying on a spiritual / ecological philosophy to carry out its proposals, highlighting the need to reconnect the being human with its environment, since the value of nature has been losing meaning before the capitalist doctrine of consumerism. Through a qualitative, phenomenological / hermeneutical methodology, bibliographic sources related to social innovation were examined, as well as different positions that take up the importance of considering the human and nature relationship, among which the contributions of Boff, Guridi and Pope Francis, typical of the ecoteological current. An explicit relationship between spiritual / ecological philosophy and social innovation was sporadically observed, as this connection appears to be poorly documented. Through the study, the relevance that should be given to the spiritual factor and ecological thinking is observed, in order to achieve a conviction of the participants, that gives solidity and permanence to the social innovation projects, because through conscious exercise of a systemic vision, such as the one mentioned by Zambrano, it could support to the common well-being.
How to Cite
Ugalde ChehínJ. C. (2020). Spirituality and ecology for social innovation projects. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 7(14), 29 - 51. Retrieved from https://mail.cdhis.org.mx/index.php/CAGI/article/view/145
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