Appreciation of the usefulness of Critical Thinking in university students

  • Elizabeth Salazar Ayala


  The objective of this work is to share the appreciation that students have about the usefulness of Crritical Thinking at the higher level. The information was obtained through a validated instrument, applied to the students of different degrees from the Universidad Veracruzana. It is important to develop Thinking Skills that help the student knov how to make decisions and in turn solve problems. Critical Thinking is an advanced level of understanding, it allows the human being to have a holistic view capable of abserving and proposing solutions to the current needs of society, an integral iew with proposed solutions taking into account the impacts of these decision-making and in order to improve he quality of life of society. Through this instrument, important information was obtained for teachers, the application of strategies and a didactic that allows the development of Critical Thinking.
How to Cite
Salazar Ayala, E. (2019). Appreciation of the usefulness of Critical Thinking in university students. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 6(12). Retrieved from
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